Monday, March 29, 2010

Captain arm noodles

I can barely lift my fingers to type. I came home from work today and took advantage of this crisp spring weather. I felt bad for O.B.C. for not being able to leave work on time, and also for rubbing it in, so I told him that I would pick up the yard and rake it... Didn't realize how long it had been since he did his one job. Picking up the dog's..umm... "treats". The last time I will do that, a lady is not meant to hunch over excrement. Then I wanted to rake up all the dead grass and give our yard a fighting know since by the end of summer it is going to look like P. Allen Smith planted and manicured it. And now I have callouses on my hands, and I am spent. But it was a great work out. When I lived in my parents house, I would sit and stare at my mom out the window and wonder what the heck she was doing, why did the yard need so much work, and why of all people, was she doing it, then I would turn around because I had lost interests. When I was little my mom helped me plant my own little garden and showed me how to water the plants, I loved it until I realized that plants and flowers didn't actually DO anything and the chance of stepping on a slug on the way to my garden was slim but possible, water the flowers today, hun. But now being a homeowner, I realize that the whole point of having a yard is to sit out in it with a glass of wine and listen to your neighbors traditional Mediterranean jam bands.
I also think they might be taping an episode of hoarders next door. I came home from work last week to find a two men and a truck outside of our crazy recluse neighbors know the one that screams at you and tells you to move your car if you haven't left him 5 feet to not back out of his driveway because he doesn't go anywhere..that one. I could have imagined it, but I swear the movers expressions were a mix of hot and disgusted. I came home a few days later and noticed that our friendly neighbors, Joe and Goldy Gibson were crossing the street numerous times with one piece of furniture here, a bag of cans there...inevitably all this stuff will end up in one of their weekly Saturday garage sales. Today I was leaving again on my lunch break and saw the most discolored white appliance and metal cabinets I have ever seen outside of a dump. What is next, only crazy man knows, but will I be peaking out my window when it happens...I got 5 on it.

1 comment:

  1. I used to work for Two Men & a Truck aka TMT and boy do I have some stories for you! But I don't feel like typing.
