Monday, February 15, 2010

Still thinking of a good subject...I have a few brewing.

By just a question...did anyone see Undercover Boss last night?? I know that that Jimbo dude had to have been fake, but boy did he get my blood boiling!! Talk about LMS. What a JERK! cannot believe that anyone would have worked for that ladyman. Who goes after half-wit hooters waitresses?? They already work at Hooters!! Leave them alone.

*I am gross because i thought those beans looked quite tastey...and i am not afraid to admit that i used to suck Kool-Aide up off the counter with only my mouth when I was a kid...Just saying that I would have TOTALLY left early.

Also as a solemn vow to my readers...I am working on my is pretty bad when your Mom calls you out.


  1. Kate, you know Pat makes you play Reindeer Games. God, that was a GREAT episode!

  2. Does my name come up as Megan & Chris?? I have tried to change it a gagillion times. arg.

  3. Yeah it does! Maybe your fancy lettering aint so fancy. I had to turn it off. Jimbo was making me MAD! And that CEO had like a jello backbone. Just fire the guy already. Whenever I watch shows that get my blood boiling...i always hit the blogs the next day to make sure I am not alone. Also go team Jordan and Jeff! (amazing race)...i am embarrassed to admit i watched last season of Big Brother and Love that couple....
