Sunday, February 28, 2010
What in the heck is deadwood and why am I forced to watch it?
So you know your frugality is starting to rub off on someone when you come home from Shop n Save with laundry detergent that isn't off brand and you O.B.C. says Whoa why did you buy this stuff.
Hey did catch the Olympics? No, me either. I am just not one for sports, and Pat didn't have a real big interest in them this year, and because I barely pay attention to what is on, I didn't turn them on. Apparently they were good. I am not one much for television conversation. Because of the not watching it and all...I still remember when I first started at my work, sitting in the lunch room and telling the table I didn't really watch shows or keep up with t.v. and getting stared at. I now don't really say anything about my lack of interest in T.V. but it is still there world. Tomorrow I have bootcamp that should be funny. I tried on clothes today and realized that my mirror is lying to me so my goal is to make it 50 minutes. (the length of the class)...lofty.
More later...
I promise. I have to show you all my chalkboard cabinet! I love being a home owner! I could paint Redrum in blood all over my walls and no one can evict me!...except Pat...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Are the hair gods punishing me?
More later...O.B.C. has a concert tonight and PROMISED me he wouldn't be out late..haha! I am sleeping in the guesty pre-emptively. He snores when he has had too much fun and it is no fun for this 9-5 er...or 7-4er actually.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Harry Belafonte Cookies
So good there are going to have you singing say DAy-o....
1/2 cup reduced fat peanut butter
1/2 cup butter softened
Mix the two with a mixer until creamy.
Add in
1/2 Cup packed brown sugar
1/2 Cup white sugar
Mix together with mixer.
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 medium egg
Mix together with mixer
1 Cup flour
Mix together with mixer
1/4 Cup flour fold with spatula
1 medium banana
Mix togehter with mixer
1/2 Cup more flour to dry out the batter
Round into 1 inch balls
Coat with sugar
Press fork into each cookies to criss cross
Place on ungreased cookie sheets
Bake for 6-8 minutes in 375 oven
*BAKERS TIP! When baking anything in the oven, 1/2 way through the bake, rotate cookie sheets, pans, bread pans etc., 180 degrees! Your baking will turn out much more even!
Drumroll pat!

Feeling un-inspired. Even genius needs a vacation.
For some reason I keep thinking about my seventh grade basketball team. This was the one and only time I have ever been on a winning team in my life. We were undefeated and were even written about in the Scoop De Jour in the Post Dispatch. I have usually been the weight on a sinking ship when I play sports...letting things go in the net, swinging at every pitch every time, afraid to catch something, drawing my name in the dirt while a round object rolls past me, scoring for the other team...But not this time, this one time when I was 13. Which got me to thinking what else could I do if I really put my mind to it?
Clean the house. Do all the laundry. Organize my pictures. Make fruit salad.
I think all this sports talk is just because O.B.C. will not stop talking about baseball. He cant wait for the Cardinals to start playing..I can. Not that I don't like the team, I do. What I don't like is the sheer devotion Pat has to the games. And I quote "I am going to watch EVERY game." Isn't summer supposed to be about outdoors? Zoo's, Parks, Sprung up outdoor shopping markets (ok that is mostly Europe), Wineries, gardening, the Pool, VACATION. How are we supposed to have the worlds most perfect summer, full of beautiful home made skirts, fresh flowers, cute antiques, chicken salad sandwiches, and sun kissed shoulders, if A. My O.B.C. is in our basement scratching himself of B. We are sitting in the Bleacher seats listening to bare chested members of Cardinal Nation talking about "screamers" and S.T.D's?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
HOLY FR*ck I love sewing.
Work is crazy right now, and after sewing I wanted to shout from the mountain tops my new found but not equal to O.B.C love. But the mountain tops were all the way in the basement and I didn't feel like wrapping up snuggie-ing it down stairs and plugging in the lap-top...yes I understand the concept of a lap-top. Then Thursday strolled around...still felt like shouting but the mountain tops were covered with work and I didn't have two licks of time...
I did however learn a couple of tricks on my camera phone and sent Pat some pictures that I took of him unbeknownest(sp?) to, well him actually. I digress. I really want to document my progress of my lessons and will figure out a way..because I know my followers are scratching their eyes out to see them.
Last night was movie night...after some Strong convincing to Megan, we finally got her on board with "just a movie"..."for real"...."no drinking"..."no house of rock"...The scene...El Maguey...The dinner Burrito de is so embarrassing to order, I have literally no concept of pronunciations and feel like Chris Farley Zaggots lady. The topic of conversation...Mer's new pet hedgehog...and...does FaceBook promote cheating...ok enough of that...yes she really went to a store, sought out, and purchased a hedgehog. Hi Mer. you are nuts!
The Movie: Valentines D(ont)ay. It was everything I was expecting and not one Intelligence Quotient more. I mostly went to get points on my movie watchers card...and of course the El Maguey. I really want to see Crazy Heart, and the next time The Legend of Billie Jean comes to the theaters I will camp out for tickets.
Tonight Fish Fry-Ok, so far not doing super hot on the Healthy Lifestyle...I will probably go for the Fish Tacos.
Oh yeah remind me to tell you a story about an ol' lady, a maxima, and two hundred dollars...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What I am giving up for Lent...
I just have one thing that I need to bake then I will be totally on board. But they are light brownies so they are prob not even good...
Ok annd...I have a girls night planned tomorrow-we are going to see a movie and eat dinner at El Maguey a crazy good mexican restaurant...let me check the menu real quick...ok no menu...but holy frick all this food type is making me starving! How am I going to go 40 days like this? It is ok Jesus did it, or was that Moses? Maybe I should make my way back to church.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Here is an updated picture of out little daintypawed puff ball. We pick her up from the vet on the 25th!
Now down to business. My brain is made of musslemans. I sat in training all day today talking about tps reports with out one lick of net time. I had to go to the grocery store and get dog food which I hate bc the bag weighs as much as me...actually had a yummy meal of mexican food for Fat Tuesday, but since I am not one of those people that think pictures of my dinner is some innovative thing to put on a blog I will spare you that...and bc our camera is on vacation. Trust me, if it was working we would have already sold our hot tub.
OK so back to ate our yummy meal...tried blogging but O.B.C. made me watch the dog show with him and make witty commentary which is draining when you had to lift a 90 lb bag of dog food. And to be honest I am not in the mood to be all that witty BECAUSE of sitting in the chair all day talking about TPS reports, my back hurts by my O.B.C. is stingy with backrubs. Shout Out. So now my night gets worse...wait for it...I am one of the seven people on the planet who do not watch nor understand lost. And guess what is on. RAAAARh. I mean really smoke monsters, jacob, time have all been sucked into star trek 2010..muwahaha. Not that I dont like trek but call it what it is...i mean there is even a bald guy that looks like Jean Luke Picard. Give me American Funniest Home Videos.
Also want to give a shout out to a loyal reader and a lung. Lung, Get with the program!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
While I didn't feel like just really isn't about me.
We also went to this great place for dinner for Valentines Day. It was really nice, the table had candles all over it and it was really romantic, they played great old dinner music we got to choose from hundreds of menu items the food was perfectly cooked by a hot bearded Chef...Dinner was perfect until a EFFING DOG ran through the place!
I also have me second sewing class Wednesday. These pajama pants are going to be the most expensive pair I have ever owned. They better come out looking like something I could pick up at Anthropology. You too Pillow-You hear that? You better come out looking like Design within Reach.
Still thinking of a good subject...I have a few brewing.
*I am gross because i thought those beans looked quite tastey...and i am not afraid to admit that i used to suck Kool-Aide up off the counter with only my mouth when I was a kid...Just saying that I would have TOTALLY left early.
Also as a solemn vow to my readers...I am working on my is pretty bad when your Mom calls you out.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
We got her!
Some other stuff about us since i prob have a lot of inquisitive readers.
Our nights usually consist of exactly this. I am listening to a movie that i have never heard of on the tv while Patrick watches it- made forty years ago and the only thing good in it are the clothes. Now that i have something to do i dont have to play yo yo with my eyelids. I mean seriously...what the heck are you watching over there???
I have also just enrolled in a sewing class with Andrea. That should be interesting. Esp. with the diverse students we have in our class. There are about 11 people in the class 8 normal one sauntered in and claimed "to be the next co co Chanel but couldnt sew a button" I am guessing that is her tagline?. And Chip and peppers cousins...chip and dip...who have aspirations of "making know jeans and t-shirts"...the class in in the basement of a high school in the home ec. room...lots of jeans coming out of that place. I have dreams of sewing a pillow. I will let you all know my progress.
Thanks for the memories, Megan
Patrick (that is my ball and chain) and I have decided to rent/ adopt a puppy. He already had a dog from a previous relationship of four people and two dogs...his house was more like a commune...and Sundance is just plane..or is it plain...sad. So, Turkey are you ready?? I know i sure am. Just a small list of favors. Please...
1. Dont chew up my couch...anyone have tips on that? (by anyone I mean Pat or two Loyal Readers)
2. Please dont wake me up by starring at me in the middle of the night..i know that is more of a cujo thing, but hey you never know...
Lets see what else
3. Be cute and let me put clothes on you so you can set a good example for Sundance who i have to chase around the house with even a brush.
4. Pleas kindly tap me on the shoulder when you have any bodily fluid or solid..that is coming out.
Other than that please keep Sundance company! I am afraid i am going to come home one night and find him barking at his shadow or chasing his tail.
Also a side note...i dont apologize for typos...ttyl.