Work is crazy right now, and after sewing I wanted to shout from the mountain tops my new found but not equal to O.B.C love. But the mountain tops were all the way in the basement and I didn't feel like wrapping up snuggie-ing it down stairs and plugging in the lap-top...yes I understand the concept of a lap-top. Then Thursday strolled around...still felt like shouting but the mountain tops were covered with work and I didn't have two licks of time...
I did however learn a couple of tricks on my camera phone and sent Pat some pictures that I took of him unbeknownest(sp?) to, well him actually. I digress. I really want to document my progress of my lessons and will figure out a way..because I know my followers are scratching their eyes out to see them.
Last night was movie night...after some Strong convincing to Megan, we finally got her on board with "just a movie"..."for real"...."no drinking"..."no house of rock"...The scene...El Maguey...The dinner Burrito de is so embarrassing to order, I have literally no concept of pronunciations and feel like Chris Farley Zaggots lady. The topic of conversation...Mer's new pet hedgehog...and...does FaceBook promote cheating...ok enough of that...yes she really went to a store, sought out, and purchased a hedgehog. Hi Mer. you are nuts!
The Movie: Valentines D(ont)ay. It was everything I was expecting and not one Intelligence Quotient more. I mostly went to get points on my movie watchers card...and of course the El Maguey. I really want to see Crazy Heart, and the next time The Legend of Billie Jean comes to the theaters I will camp out for tickets.
Tonight Fish Fry-Ok, so far not doing super hot on the Healthy Lifestyle...I will probably go for the Fish Tacos.
Oh yeah remind me to tell you a story about an ol' lady, a maxima, and two hundred dollars...
Funny stuff, Kate. Love the action shot at work(?) by the way. Question: what are you researching in that catalogue? Let's do a poll:
ReplyDeleteKate is looking into...
A. Fantasy baseball tips
B. Russian mail-order brides
C. A more weather-resistant spray-tan product for Qualy
D. New puppy recipes (h/t Tim)
E. Nothing. Kate has perfected the art of appearing to perform officey-type tasks while sleeping.