Alright so after a short lull in posts, I a back. My hiatus is due to the fact that our computer was 19 years old and coughed up micro chips every time you asked it to do something. But now...We just got a new computer that is from the '10s and we have wireless. I am surprised Patrick waited this long for our house to be wireless. It must have been making his skin crawl. Me on the other hand, if he hadnt come along I would prob fall in line with my family and be about ten years behind on the answering machine fad.
So some things have happened since March. The main thing is this bird went and got engaged! Patrick took me to Hannibal for our two year anniversary and he proposed to me! We had just checked in to our b&b and after hearing a rousing speech from the Inn Keeper about how marriage just isnt for everyone, Patrick couldnt wait to ask me to marry him :).
So we are planning a wedding...for 13 months from now. I wish it was a little sooner just because I cant wait to get married to my best friend! Whew wedding planning is a lot of stuff.

It's nice to have you back my dear :)