Well I thought I had been doing some serious training for the 5k I am going to run. I have been on drugs. Tonight I ran 1/2 the way and I thought I my heart was going to go temple of doom on me. I just need to set my mind to it, so I can do it. There was some really in shape people at the park and they were intimivating. There were also some foreigners that remind me that I need to update my wardrobe. Who knew Francis Park was such a hot spot! And when Pat and I are very successful in our careers we will live in one of those beautiful homes. And I need to get some non-depressing music on my ipod...Can anyone recommend some trendy pump up music? Who is this princess GaGa everyone is talking about?
In other news i whipped out one of my corduroy skirts for work today and boy did it feel good! I wanted to wear boots but I thought, let just ease in. I am almost over my cold which is great and today is already Wednesday! I love four day weeks. Tomorrow is Jersey Shore-Jean remind me to turn it on! Lets chat about Jersey Shore...now. who here thinks that the second season is a little scripted? Or did Sammi Sweetheart have a lobotomy on hiatus? Andrea said that they are back together in season three! Now I know I dated a LOT of people, but I still always knew what I wanted and what I was worth. Are people really that sefl-esteemless? Alright just random babbling but is sure feels good to just hop on the net and jam out a sandwich!

temple of doom...gotta love indy! so glad you are back to blogging. i was getting worried :)