I can barely lift my fingers to type. I came home from work today and took advantage of this crisp spring weather. I felt bad for O.B.C. for not being able to leave work on time, and also for rubbing it in, so I told him that I would pick up the yard and rake it... Didn't realize how long it had been since he did his one job. Picking up the dog's..umm... "treats". The last time I will do that, a lady is not meant to hunch over excrement. Then I wanted to rake up all the dead grass and give our yard a fighting chance...you know since by the end of summer it is going to look like P. Allen Smith planted and manicured it. And now I have callouses on my hands, and I am spent. But it was a great work out. When I lived in my parents house, I would sit and stare at my mom out the window and wonder what the heck she was doing, why did the yard need so much work, and why of all people, was she doing it, then I would turn around because I had lost interests. When I was little my mom helped me plant my own little garden and showed me how to water the plants, I loved it until I realized that plants and flowers didn't actually DO anything and the chance of stepping on a slug on the way to my garden was slim but possible, pass...you water the flowers today, hun. But now being a homeowner, I realize that the whole point of having a yard is to sit out in it with a glass of wine and listen to your neighbors traditional Mediterranean jam bands.
I also think they might be taping an episode of hoarders next door. I came home from work last week to find a two men and a truck outside of our crazy recluse neighbors house...you know the one that screams at you and tells you to move your car if you haven't left him 5 feet to not back out of his driveway because he doesn't go anywhere..that one. I could have imagined it, but I swear the movers expressions were a mix of hot and disgusted. I came home a few days later and noticed that our friendly neighbors, Joe and Goldy Gibson were crossing the street numerous times with one piece of furniture here, a bag of cans there...inevitably all this stuff will end up in one of their weekly Saturday garage sales. Today I was leaving again on my lunch break and saw the most discolored white appliance and metal cabinets I have ever seen outside of a dump. What is next, only crazy man knows, but will I be peaking out my window when it happens...I got 5 on it.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Business time
All my birthday parties are over as of tonight, Pat just needs to get on consumer reports and research which kind of sewing machine I will be purchasing. I hope everyone is ready for lots of home made gifts in their future. Also watched some HGTV this morning and have very big plans for the backyard, i am thinking a koi pond and outdoor fire place. We wont need any outdoor speaker system, we have our neighbors ethnic music. I have been doing pretty much nothing besides studying for my securities test lately and I can promise that it is going to get intense over here. I think that my test book is sucking my will to live. But I will pass this thing. I had a professor in college tell me that if I could visualize it, it could happen. I am picturing my bed made with clean sheets...Also Pat and I just started the biggest loser for our upcoming float trip. We need to look nice and trim for all the brochure covers we are going to make it on.

float trips,
Random thoughts,
yard work
Monday, March 22, 2010
Well we are 30 minutes in and Woody Harelson just made his first appearance as the crazy homeless woodsmen. This is going to take a while...I guess I will write a little bit. I was trying to reflect a little bit about my first 28 years on the planet. I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned that family is not always blood, it is easier to please your self than other people, life is more fun when you sing it, having friends is one of my greatest accomplishments, my life is going to be full of smiles, it is easier to stand out than fit in, and when I drink a lot I dance and fall asleep.
I was walking home from work on Friday and came across a segway tour in front of Busch Stadium.. I thought it was really funny and took a picture and showed it to Pat. I checked FB today and Kelly had posted a picture of her and Skup on vacation on a segway tour. My friends crack me up. I wonder if any Washington D.C. locals were taking pictures of them and laughing? I would have beat them up. I am glad no one on the tour I came across had besties.

I was walking home from work on Friday and came across a segway tour in front of Busch Stadium.. I thought it was really funny and took a picture and showed it to Pat. I checked FB today and Kelly had posted a picture of her and Skup on vacation on a segway tour. My friends crack me up. I wonder if any Washington D.C. locals were taking pictures of them and laughing? I would have beat them up. I am glad no one on the tour I came across had besties.
I keep getting all of these dog related cards for various occasions. Am I a crazy dog person? Just because I am constantly taking pictures of my dogs does not mean I am going to have them ironed on to my t shirts. But I will share them with the world. I mean people take a million pictures of the kids and no one calls them crazy baby people.
People let me tell you 'bout my Beesst Friend!

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Unhappy St. Patricks day and other calamities
Boy was it tough dropping Patrick, Mike and Avery off on Wednesday. I don't think I will be able to do that one again until it is frowned upon that I drink, but I figured since I am trying to pass my securities test that it would be smart for me to use the time studying (and watching 9-4 all day they were doing travel shows in Ireland). I will admit that I teared up at Rick Steve's travels. Rick, I think you can retire, you will never have a better audience. Took cookie to the vet that day too and had to weave in and out of a green sea of beer on legs again got depressed about not being a boozy leprechaun. But I picked Pat up from the parade went to dinner and had a couple of beers, and woke up feeling amazing on Thursday..cant say the same for O.B.C.

Also am staring to celebrate birthday '10. I request that people sing "Birthday to you, Birthday to you, Birthday dear Kate, Birthday to you". This is a tough one to swallow, I know that people on the planet are older than me, but aren't you supposed to have things accomplished by the time you are 29? I don't feel like I am ready yet, I haven't even mastered typing with out looking at my fingers. Never the less it is upon me. I will hold my head up and walk into Tuesday a brave woman...but not before i buy wrinkle cream Monday night.
Boy this Pacific is loud and did I just glance up and see an arm and a head dismembered? I don't know how people watch this. I will have nightmares tonight, I can barely watch Law and Order SVW without a shake awake. I am a ninny. I couldn't even make it through Candy Man on Channel 11. If something bad is out there, I would just rather not know about it. I live in a mystical world where I ride a unicorn to work on the rainbow turnpike. I cant handle the news, even a co worker turning a corner gives me a good b movie scream. Here is my parting questions....when actors play dead, how do they not breath? or is it wax people doubles that they film for the dead parts? I have tried pretending to look dead and it is not easy...in my opinion, whoever played Bernie in Weekend at Bernie's should have won the Oscar that year.

Also am staring to celebrate birthday '10. I request that people sing "Birthday to you, Birthday to you, Birthday dear Kate, Birthday to you". This is a tough one to swallow, I know that people on the planet are older than me, but aren't you supposed to have things accomplished by the time you are 29? I don't feel like I am ready yet, I haven't even mastered typing with out looking at my fingers. Never the less it is upon me. I will hold my head up and walk into Tuesday a brave woman...but not before i buy wrinkle cream Monday night.
Boy this Pacific is loud and did I just glance up and see an arm and a head dismembered? I don't know how people watch this. I will have nightmares tonight, I can barely watch Law and Order SVW without a shake awake. I am a ninny. I couldn't even make it through Candy Man on Channel 11. If something bad is out there, I would just rather not know about it. I live in a mystical world where I ride a unicorn to work on the rainbow turnpike. I cant handle the news, even a co worker turning a corner gives me a good b movie scream. Here is my parting questions....when actors play dead, how do they not breath? or is it wax people doubles that they film for the dead parts? I have tried pretending to look dead and it is not easy...in my opinion, whoever played Bernie in Weekend at Bernie's should have won the Oscar that year.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Those who live in bounce houses shouldnt throw rocks.

Saturday was My Nephew and Niece's joint bday party at Pump It Up and all I picked up was a cold-ish. We all had a lot of fun, Pat got chased by 5 year olds doing jumping air crotch shots, I took a tough bounce in the obstacle course and crunched my neck, My Dad literally got stuck in the same obstacle course and we had to go find him, and my Mom did this over and over. She was pushing kids out of the way to go down the slide
We all had so much fun. I had to come home and take a nap after the party, Pat didn't jump as much as me, so he cleaned the whole house, I asked him if he resented me taking a nap while he was cleaning and he said yes, but I just pretended to go back to sleep. Being a kid wears you out.

I am watching video games right now, something that I have been a spectator to, for twenty years. When I was a 8 we got a Nintendo for Christmas, my brother immediately took it away and would only take it out of the safe when he had friends over, (We were a 1 T.V. family). So I am really good at watching other people play video games, I suggest a lot of things that the actual player might never have thought, like maybe if you jump off the cliff you wont die, or touch that fire maybe it is magic...I just realized why Kevin would never let me play.
Is it weird that while I was at work today I missed petting my dog? I was out sick on Friday and had all Saturday and Sunday with her (and Sundance and Pat) and when I sat down at my desk this morning and starting typing all I realized is that my keys weren't furry.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I am not sure if anyone noticed
Buut. I am the next Steve Jobs. It only took me an hour and a half, but I have learned to apply a background to my blog. I did it last night while Pat was watching the dogs. Of course when his stupid show came on (I am referring to Lost) I had to get up and watch the dogs, Soo I will be working more on it in the future. I have sewing class tonight, God, last week was frustrating. Do you know how hard it is to sew a straight line on a circle?? Not to mention Andrea said my pants look like I should be a farmer bc of the print. You know when you picture something in your head how perfect it is and well constructed and people are fawning over themselves to get a second look. Well that is EXACTLY the case here.
I never really told you how we got rid of our Maxima did I?
We had come home on a Friday to a note on the door, Pat I wish we would have saved that...
"If you want to sale me your car, call Danny 314-555-555"...hmm. We were very hesitant to call Danny bc you are thinking the same thing...We don't want this guy knowing where we live..Too late. He got out of his car stuck a note on our front door while Our powder puff husky was probably inside doing his nails. We call him and before Pat can even get "We are calling about th.." Danny says he will be here in 2 minutes and hangs up on him. 10 minutes later...(I am guessing this is why Danny looks like he is un-employed) Danny and Co. drag up. In a car. Spray painted. Half gold. Half red. We go to greet them very graciously but Danny is a cut and dry kind a guy. How much you want? Well it doesn't run... How much you take? Well we were going to donate it because it doesn't run...Charity, This guy right here is charity (grabbing his larger than life friend) Then we get to the meat and potato's of the story. Big guy's Old Lady is about to pop and they need something to get around in...He can produce her if need be, we should see her, she is HUGE. (poor Old Lady, no girl wants her better half saying she is big) Back to Danny...So how much we talking here..100..? Um we should prob think about this...200...250..Ok 250 you can have it...Danny get his money out and counts it on the hood...The look at the inside, right past the filth and see the car for the gem it is and they drive off into the sunset, Old Lady in tow. If you are lucky one day you might be cruising along Gravois and be cut off by them pulling a u-y.
I never really told you how we got rid of our Maxima did I?
We had come home on a Friday to a note on the door, Pat I wish we would have saved that...
"If you want to sale me your car, call Danny 314-555-555"...hmm. We were very hesitant to call Danny bc you are thinking the same thing...We don't want this guy knowing where we live..Too late. He got out of his car stuck a note on our front door while Our powder puff husky was probably inside doing his nails. We call him and before Pat can even get "We are calling about th.." Danny says he will be here in 2 minutes and hangs up on him. 10 minutes later...(I am guessing this is why Danny looks like he is un-employed) Danny and Co. drag up. In a car. Spray painted. Half gold. Half red. We go to greet them very graciously but Danny is a cut and dry kind a guy. How much you want? Well it doesn't run... How much you take? Well we were going to donate it because it doesn't run...Charity, This guy right here is charity (grabbing his larger than life friend) Then we get to the meat and potato's of the story. Big guy's Old Lady is about to pop and they need something to get around in...He can produce her if need be, we should see her, she is HUGE. (poor Old Lady, no girl wants her better half saying she is big) Back to Danny...So how much we talking here..100..? Um we should prob think about this...200...250..Ok 250 you can have it...Danny get his money out and counts it on the hood...The look at the inside, right past the filth and see the car for the gem it is and they drive off into the sunset, Old Lady in tow. If you are lucky one day you might be cruising along Gravois and be cut off by them pulling a u-y.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I have been baking again...
I was on the way home at lunch yesterday and happened to drive past a lottery sign that said it was up to 170 million dollars. 170 million dollars divided by half...yep I could live on that. I could live on half of that. even half of that. DO I really deserve the lottery? You always hear about that family that was about to lose the home, out of work, needed a hand that won...what about the moderate middle class unwed couple? Do they ever get their fairy tail? I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that I was a contestant on a game show where the prize was 10 million dollars and I won. I went up to everyone that I worked for and told them I quit but then went into my bosses office and told her I would still work part time just to help out..doesn't that make me deserving of winning the lottery? That I was even benevolent in my dreams... What does a girl have to do around here to retire at 20 something?
So I started thinking what would I do if I could win the lottery? I would have to have something to do with my time. But I would want to be able to work by my own rules. So I would own my own store. I would sell all kinds of stuff...of course in this fantasy I would be an expert sewer and furniture rehab-er along with just a talented all around fabu lady who wore skirts and rode bicycles to work and her puppy rode in the basket. Again this is of course a million dollar fantasy...
So back to reality. I baked again this weekend! I am really into taking recipes and picking them apart and making them better and really thinking about what i could add to make it better. I judge all my successes and failures by whether O.B.C. has seconds. In this case...he just kept sneaking them. I would say..success!
Also had the chance to check out a highly recommended show...RuPaul's Drag Race. Pat was down here doing his draft and he wanted me to sit down here with him so I said fine and popped on the LoGo network. If I have to listen to "Going Once, Going Twice, Sold" two hundred times...you best believe that I going to be watching a man with a Brazilian and hot pants do the splits while singing the classic "Two of Hearts".
Friday, March 5, 2010
Family Photo Shoot
Well, we have been hounded (no pun intended) to put up some pictures of the newest member to our family, but our camera is on the fritz..and we just haven't quite made it to the camera shop...so here there are!
Dad and Donna came over last night and brought the new parents dinner and lunch for the next day! Yep a second pizza! That is company we will definitely have over again. Donna brought her second purse otherwise known as her camera bag so we busted it out and attempted to get a picture, but I think the mistakes are much better so with out further introduction...

He just wont sit still

Take one!Take Two!
Let's try knee...YOUCH!
Sounds goo...YOUCH!
Oh we still love you buddy!
As best as we are going to do...(and I look relatively ok)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
How fabulous am I?
So am I kidding myself with believing that i will one day not be working a 9 to 5 but have some sort of personally created thing baby project that I have the talent perseverance and know how to grow up? Who cares! I am doing this because I love it! I have fun everyday. I have two projects on board for this weekend so i am expecting you to hold me to them. Got it. I have to leave at 12 to go home and check on Gumm..er Cookie! Still having problems getting her name right...word to the wise for all you new parents out there...Don't change your kids names after you have named them and called them that for a couple of days...I am still correcting O.B.C. when he calls her Gummy Bear...oh yeah..Did I mention that we changed her name? Pat said she would end up just going by Gummy...and that is weird..it makes me think of a senior citizen without their dentures in.
We have sewing tonight and we are finishing our pants...well mine ended up being Capri's, but any who...who's measuring? I can only wonder what the Jonas Brothers will show up in...last week it was an outfit complete with a Fedora. Now do I need to remind them that they are in the basement home ec room of a high school? OR maybe it is hidden camera project runway and the joke is on us?
This weekend it is supposed to be super nice so we (pat) are dragging out the ol bbq pit and having a little hoe down Saturday weather permitting It is going to be a rocking party, O.B.C., Me, Sundance and Gumm..er Cookie!
We have sewing tonight and we are finishing our pants...well mine ended up being Capri's, but any who...who's measuring? I can only wonder what the Jonas Brothers will show up in...last week it was an outfit complete with a Fedora. Now do I need to remind them that they are in the basement home ec room of a high school? OR maybe it is hidden camera project runway and the joke is on us?
This weekend it is supposed to be super nice so we (pat) are dragging out the ol bbq pit and having a little hoe down Saturday weather permitting It is going to be a rocking party, O.B.C., Me, Sundance and Gumm..er Cookie!
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